apptech zone Apps

Baby Brain Test 1.0
apptech zone
Baby brain test app is especially developedtoenhance the skills of your baby. Brain test is a perfect appforthe mental growth for the training of the brain of your baby.Ithelps your baby to train him/her self with mathematical skillsandrecognition of alphabets. Interface is extremely simple yetsofascinating which makes this app so easy and fun to useFive different levels are there for babies to enjoy:1- Addition :Baby Brain test app provides real time addition examples whichcouldbe more healthful for your baby brain training.2- Subtraction:Baby Brain test app also provides the real examplesofsubtraction.3- Multiplication:Different examples of multiplication are there in the BabyBraintrainer app.4- Division:Division examples makes your baby brain strong and healthy thiswillhelps your baby to solve complex mathematics queries .5- Alphabets:Recognition of alphabets is the most common practice by theparentswhich they want that their baby adopts as early aspossible.Each level has a quiz for your baby and answer is to be giveninspecific time period. Each correct answer adds up to the scores.Inthe end of each quiz, the score is displayed.Salient features of this app:1- Simple and captivating interface.2- Different levels3- Brain Enhancing skillsThe basic purpose of baby brain trainer app is to enhance yourbabymind and make the baby able to adopt the basic learning as soonaspossible.In case of any suggestions or complains do not hesitate tocontactus.
Gun Simulator 1.2
apptech zone
Welcome to the world of your favorite guns.Gun Simulator provide you the option of using your favorite gun inreal time experience. It gives you the opportunity of no violenceand no danger yet you can avail the fun of using your favoriteweapon.Gun simulator provides you with variety of guns to choose fromand enjoy them. Simple interface and easy to use app with nocomplexities at all makes it much easier for you to use yourfavorite gun. Simply select the weapon of your choice and startfiring.Gun simulator you the opportunity to simulate you real life guns invirtual life. For this we provide you a number of weapons i-e- Piston- Light Machine Guns- Shot Gun- Sniper Riffle- Grenade- AK47- Mini GunSalient Features: Realistic Sound Neat and crisp graphics Simple Interface Easy to useHow to use this app: Run this app. Choose your favorite gun. Enjoy the weapon. Go back to the previous screen by pressing back button. You can choose another gun of your choice. And enjoy another gun.This app is specially designed for weapon lovers. If you cannotafford expensive weapons but want to try them. This is for you.Download this app, select your favorite weapon and you areready.We at apptech zone, do not promote violence at all. This app ismade for gun lovers to experience the usage of guns in virtuallife. Not intended to cause any harm to anyone. We have made thisapp solely for recreational purpose.Feel free to write up to us at, if youhave any complaints or suggestions.
Beauty Tips Free 1.0
apptech zone
A famous phrase is “beauty lies in the eyeofbeholder”. Beauty is subjective. Everyone has their owndefinitionof beauty. But beauty needs enhancement. You can enhanceyou beautywith the help of beauty tips.No pains of going to spas and beauty salons and spend hugeamountover there, you can simply download our app “beauty tips formen andwomen” and enhance your beauty to the maximum. We havebeauty tipsfor not only women but also for men. Yes, men also needgrooming tolook presentable and we have the solution for them.Simple beauty and grooming tips are available in “Beauty tipsformen and women” which can enhance their beauty and buildconfidencein them.We not only provide beauty tips for face, but also forotherimportant parts of our body. Since every part of our bodyrequiresgrooming and attention. Following are available for menandwomen: Hair Face Body Hands Feet Office Fashion Mouth Eyes Lips NailsSalient Features: Authentic tips. New tips added in every update. Very useful app. Simple yet captivating interface. Easy to use remedies. Makes you feel better about yourself.How to use:Using Beauty Tips for men and women is very simple. All you havetodo is download the app from playstore and follow thestepsmentioned below: Run the app. Choose your gender. Select from the options given below. Read the tips and imply them if you want. You can always go back and choose other options to readthetips.For any complaint or suggestion, you can email, we will be glad to hear it from you.
Age Calculator 1.1
apptech zone
Age CalculatorAge calculator Is the real and authentic application to calculatethe age on the basis of date of birth. The age calculator is freeof cost and no need to pay for anything. It’s sometimes very hardto find the exact days of birth. This will tell us our age inyears, months and days. This application is very easy to use forthe calculation of actual age and knows the actual days between twodates.Now you can easy find the days that you have lived and tell theexact days for the next date of birth.The key feature is that it‘ll tell you the age in years, weeks anddays. Note that we’ll never collect your any type of data throughthis age calculator application. If you found it useful than shareit with your friends, family members or love ones.If there is any problem in the age calculator than please feel freeto contact with us we’ll definitely entertain you and try to solvethe issue.Happy Age Calculator
Friend Location Finder 1.3
apptech zone
Friend location finderFriend Location Finder app helps to locate your friends by justa single tap. Enter the phone number of your friends and find theirlocation. The locations are provided via Google Maps.Complete route between you and your friend is presented and theways you can reach them. All the features of Google maps areavailable in this app as well. All you need to do is to add thenumber of your friend and you will get the location. Moreover, youcan also share your location with your friend.Friend location finder helps in removing the barriers betweenyou and your friends as it helps in finding the location of yourfriend and bringing you closer. If the friend is near your area youall can catch up with them.Two main features are provided in this app:1- Send your location to your friend.2- Receive the location of your friend.The basic requirement to run this app is you need to have asmart phone with an active internet connection and your GPS on.Other than searching for your friend you can also search otherplaces around you. If you are traveling and want to see whereexactly you are or what other places you can visit around you. Thisis the perfect app for you.The easiest interface with no complexities make things simpler foryou to use.For any queries or suggestion you can write up to us any queries and suggestion feel free to write us
Real WIFI Hacker Prank 2017 1.3
apptech zone
Real WIFI Hacker Prank 2017Wifi password hacker prank is a brand new loose software permitsyou to fake to break the password of all nearby wireless networksto benefit the get entry to. By way of the wifi hacker 2016simulated make idiot your buddies. After fancy animations you maysee the faux passwords of all hacked networks.Wifi hacker password breaker is most effective for amusing pleasedon’t take it severe. The simple wifi hacking tool isn't alwayspaintings for the mobile or smart gadgets. All passwords arerandomly generated through wifi hacker tool.There are followings wifi password hacker prank features- open the utility of wifi hacker- it'll automatically activate the wifi- pick the community to hack- it's going to generate random password- make fool human beingsI hope so it will help you to make prank with people. If there isany problem, feel free to contact with us.we will assist toyou.
Mobile Security 1.0
apptech zone
Mobile Security – Anti Theft is apowerfulapplication which helps to track your lost android phoneeasily.Most beneficial feature of this app is that if you have lostyourphone in your home and it is on silent, you can easily trackitslocation and change its ringer mode through security sms.Another most important feature of Mobile Security – Anti Theftappis that if your phone is lost or stolen by some this appsendscurrent location of your phone through sms to the emergencycontactthat you have provided in your app.Some other features can be also be controlled by user throughtheemergency number i-e volume changer, removal of personaldataetcIf you have lost your phone in a public place or if you fearthatyour phone is stolen you can simply get the locationinformation(location coordinates, country, city, state, place name,postalcode etc) with the help of this app if the GPS of your phoneisenabled.Another most beneficial feature of Mobile Security – Anti Theftappis that if you have lost your phone in your home and it isonsilent, you can easily track its location and change itsringermode through security sms.HOW IT WORKS?User simply has to install the Mobile Security – Anti Theft appandprovide a valid email (use yahoo and gmail accounts morepreferable)address along with username and password forregistration. Anemergency number is to be provided for the purposeof controllingyour phone and performing various functions likechanging ringermode, deleting contacts etc. Your mobile mustdefinitely have anactive internet connection and GPS for this appto work.HOW CAN YOU CONTROL YOUR LOST PHONE?If the phone is lost user simply have to text from theemergencynumber:To change the ringtone modes use the following codes:• “Set ringer normal” to exit silent mode.• “Set ringer silent” to enter silent mode.• “Set ringer vibrate” to enable vibration.To delete account use the following code:• “delete my account”To delete contacts use the following code: *• “delete my contacts”*If contacts are synchronized with any email account thenthataccount will also be deleted.To track locations use the following code: *• “give my location”*GPS and internet connection is required for this feature.To clear call history use the following code:• “clear call history”To avoid privacy invasion this app provides you withmultiplefeatures like:1- All the accounts registered can be deleted by sending asecuritymsg.2- All the contacts either from the sim card or from the phoneorboth can be deleted by sending a security sms.3- Furthermore, call logs can also be deleted with the help ofthisapp.TOP FEATURES Lost mobile easily traced. Ringer volume change through emergency number if mobileonsilent. User can delete his/her personal data by security sms numbertoavoid invasion of privacy if the phone is stolen. User can also delete all his/her account on his/her Smartphonebysecurity sms in case if the phone is stolen. Contacts (Sim & Phone) and call logs can also be deleted.In case of any complain or suggestion do not hesitate tocontactus at your feedback is valuable forus.
Love Calculator 1.2
apptech zone
Love Calculator application is here tocalculate the love. The love calculator real will indicate thescore between 0% to 100%. Love calculator lets you to calculatelove capability and chances of successful relationship. This lovecalculator app which displays the love percentage on the bases ofnames and date of birth of both love bird (Boy and Girl). Lovecalculator is easy to use as 1 2 3.Basically this real love calculator tells us by name and date ofbirth. The Love Calculator works on the bases of some certainalgorithm. When two names are entered, this calculator matches thename of first lover with their crush lover’s name. It has to seehow many characters are common or same in the names. As much ascharacters are found common than it gives the better result asexpected according to the algorithm.Love Calculator App have the following key features that’s you haveto follow:- Open the installed Love Calculator- Click on the Love Icon- Put the name of his and her- After calculation it will give result in percentage and also showa message of relationship- There is no restriction of calculation love, as much as you cancalculate love- By press the back feature of your android can exitIf Love Calculator found any type of error or suggestion pleasedrop an email to us. We will surely assist to you and we will solvethe issue and suggestion in the very next update. Please share yourlove by sharing this love calculator app to your friends andfamily.For any issues, complaints or suggestions you can email us We will love to hear it from you.
Daily horoscope free 1.2
apptech zone
Daily HoroscopeDaily horoscope free app will helps to tell about what kind of daywill it be for your day? The daily horoscopes by zodiac sign arepresented. The ASTRO Twins forecast every ZODIAC sign’s horoscopefor today. Find out if the moon’s position presents any newopportunities, if today’s the day to take a chance on Love. Thedaily horoscope will be free in the entire year of 2017 and towardsso on. The daily Chinese horoscope will be updated in next update.Some people have believed on the daily horoscope, all things areincluded in the daily horoscope.The Daily Horoscope free includes• Daily Horoscope of Aries• Daily Horoscope of Aquarius• Daily Horoscope of Cancer• Daily Horoscope of Capricorn• Daily Horoscope of Gemini• Daily Horoscope of Leo• Daily Horoscope of Libra• Daily Horoscope of Pisces• Daily Horoscope of Sagittarius• Daily Horoscope of Scorpio• Daily Horoscope of Taurus• Daily Horoscope of VirgoFeatures of Zodiac Horoscope are• Daily horoscope includes of daily and yearly bases the week baseswill be add.• Every horoscope has Zodiac signs as well as pictures.• Chinese horoscope for 2017 will include in the next update.• Zodiac horoscope for 2017 and onwards.• The Druid horoscope.• All data will update on daily bases.• Zodiac sign will be located by the help of date of birthRequirements for Daily Horoscope• Android smart phone• Internet connectionZodiac HoroscopeIn this application all zodiac signs are covered like Aries,Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Pisces,Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Virgo are included. There aredifferent categories of each Zodiac Signs. The category coverslove, business, friendship, family aspects of every combination ofZodiac Signs. Zodiac horoscope has been categorized in the yearlyand daily data.Chines Zodiac Signs HoroscopeIn the next update of horoscope we will add the sun signs whichare• Rat• Ox• Rabbit• Tiger• Dragon• Snake• Ram• Monkey• Horse• Dog• Rooster• Dog• PigAll chines daily horoscope includes data of the above names.Our horoscope will tell you horoscope free for every day, thisapplication only require little bit of internet for data extractionfrom the storage. The daily horoscope is completely free and thereare no any limitations. By the zodiac signs and names you can findyour star. The stars can be viewed by date of birth. Please notethat daily horoscope is free and we don’t require any bullshitspermission from the installed users, we have seen that many appswants permission to contacts, photos, gallery etc. Please don’tdownload those apps for this purpose. Our daily horoscope app onlyrequires the permission of internet connection and nothing else. Weare partner with most experienced astrologers to provide accuratedate and predictions of stars.If you found our application useful than please feel free to shareit with your friends, family and other social media sites for thatthey can also check their daily horoscope for free. If any type oferror found than please immediately drop an email to our followingemail, which is given at the last of this page.#DailyHorscope app for Smart phonesHappy Chinese Zodiac Love Horoscope!
Fever Test Prank 1.2
apptech zone
Fever checker is for those who are pranksters.Fever test is best application to make fool your friends even tocompany manager who don’t have knowledge about this, when wants aleave of business days. Fever check thermometer will give accurateresults in prank way so don’t take it too much serious. Thetemperature could be check by finger or thumb, anything will work.This thermometer app is created for those who are unaware of smartphone working. The fever temperature checker has a friendlyinterface and easy to use as 1 2 3.Requirements for real fever thermometer checkerNeeds of internet connection to installMobile with minimum version of ice creamSpecified android devices could install itKey points of check fever Test PrankJust open the applicationSelect gender for fever checkPut thumb on the scan bar to calculate feverWait for 5 to 7 seconds than it will gives the resultTest again button is also availableBy this make fool to friendsDisclaimer: This application is developed for just prank; don’ttake its results as real. Smart Phones could not scan the finger bytouch or camera. If any error found in Fever Test than please dropan email to us.
Time Bomb Broken Screen Prank 1.0
apptech zone
Time Bomb Broken Screen Prank is one oftheexploding app which simulates powerful time bomb explosion toburstand crack your mobile screen. The bomb will explode withstrongexplosion sounds . After the explosion, show the crackedscreen toyour friends and make then surprised and shocked with yourbrokenscreen.Time Bomb Broken Screen Prank Feature:★ Clock bomb and digital time bomb.★Custom time to make explosion and destroy your mobilescreen.★Excellent graphics used in this app.★Realistic explosion and broken screen effect to make yourfriendsscary.Disclaimer:This bomber app a simulated game used for prank only norealityfound, it will not harm your mobile device. Enjoy it withyourfriends and family.Time Bomb Broken Screen Prank is a prank application.This app will turn your mobile phone into a timebombsimulator.How to use Time Bomb Broken Screen Prank• Set the timer to from 1 second to 999 seconds• Press the Start button when you are ready for explosion.• Realistic feeling sounds and high quality graphics used inthisapp.
Blood Group Detector Finger 1.1
apptech zone
If you want to make fool your friends forbloodgroup than blood group application is best app finger bloodgroupdetector prank. Check your blood group is just forentertainmentpurpose. Simply put thumb or finger on the screen toget the result.Blood group checker prank is only helps to find theblood group.Most of the people don’t have time to go to thelaboratory for bloodtest so; this blood group test with fingerwill tell you. This isreal blood group test with finger will tellyou fake groupdetails.Blood group test checker with finger have some key features- Open the blood group checker original (joke)- Select the gender- Keep hold your finger on the screen until it will tellyougroup nameNote: This blood group checker prank is just only fortheentertainment don’t take it serious with real life. The bloodgroupchecker app will not collect any type of data from user.
Blood Pressure Prank 1.1
apptech zone
Blood Pressure Prank is a prank appthatprovides you an opportunity through which you can check yourbloodpressure in real time in a simple way. Blood Pressure Prankapp issimplest and easiest to use. And you can use this app to foolyourfriends and make them believe that your phone can actuallyrecordblood pressure.Blood Pressure Prank gives a real time feel of bloodpressurechecking. Thumb Impression recorder gives a very real feelwhich isthe main attraction of this app. It looks like you areactuallychecking blood pressure by your thumb impression.How to Use: Download blood pressure prank from playstore and installit. Click on check blood pressure. Select your gender. Record your thumb impression and it will start scanning. After the scanning is complete, it will show you result onthemachine above.Features: The app is solely made for fun purposes, not for real use. Absolutely real like feel and stunning graphics. Measuring blood pressure and giving results in realtime(prank).The app generates random numbers and put in on machine as aresultof your blood pressure. So no need to panic if it shows highor lowblood pressure as it shows fake results.Note: This is a prank app and does not intend to harm ormisleadanyone. It is just made for entertainment purposes.For any issues regarding blood pressure prank, you can send usanemail at We will be glad to hearfromyou.
Slap Politician 1.2
apptech zone
You simply cannot slap the politician youdislike. Obviously because you do not like their thought process oryou think they are corrupt or any other reason. You can not causeany harm to them.So, if you want to take out your frustration. You are at a rightplace. Download our app slap politician and now you can slap andpunch your most disliked politician but obviously virtually. Isn’tit cool?Slap a politician is a fun app and not intended to cause any harmto anyone. The app is purely intended for fun purpose.From Nawaz Sharif to Imran Khan, Barak Obama to Hilary Clinton,Asif Zardari to Sheikh Rashid... you can find them all here… andyou have options to choose from Narendra Modi, Altaf Hussain andVlamdir Putin too. More policitians will be added in comingversions.No need to curse the politician you dislike simple download thisapp and take your frustration out. If you are feeling bored or wantto charge up your mood simply use this app. It will kill your timeand boost your mood.How to slap or punch:Simply download it and install it from playstore.Open the app.Choose from the list of most disliked politicians.Slap or punch the one you want too.There is a counter which counts every slap or punch you give toyour most disliked politician.Key Features:Easy to use and light weight app.Doesn’t consume extra memoryAttractive interfaceList of popular politicians to choose fromKick and Punch both options are provided.For any queries and/or complaints feel free to contact us, we are always looking forward to hear fromyou.
Real Scary Prank 2017 1.2
apptech zone
Halloween is near, and this is the seasonofthrills and horror. Make use of this best scary prank app evertoscare your friends. This scary app gives you deadly picturesandsounds that run a chill down your spine.If you’re a prankster, this one’s for you. Make this yourphone’sbest Halloween prank ever. Choose from a variety of deadlyanddangerous images and sounds. Additionally, you can use this apptoscare away your annoying siblings and friends who are alwaysafteryour smart phone.This app comes with best features like: A number of images of vampires, and ghost. Scariest and creepiest sounds and sheiks available. Scare your friends and family.Steps of using this app: Download it from playstore. Run the app, and click on any of the horrorimagesavailable. You can also select the sounds from the setting.There you go, now you are ready to scare your friends away,andenjoy this Halloween to the maximum.Note: Use this app carefully with heart patients. The app iscreatedsolely for fun purposes. No harm intended.For any issues, complaints, or suggestions feel free to writeupto us at Your reviews arealwayswelcome.
Ringtone Maker Real 2.7.3
apptech zone
Ringtone Maker!Ringtone Maker is best application for build ringtones,notifications, and alarms ringtones. It is also plays therole ofringtone maker and two songs mixer for audio formattedsongs. Thestart and end sliding notes could be select from desiredlocations.Ringtone Maker is easy to use.Mp3 cutter and ringtone maker application can build ringtonesofMP3, FLAC, OGG, WAV, AAC etc. It does not have feature toconvertvideo to mp3 cutter and ringtone maker. The android devicecan usethis application for tone making.Ringtone Make for Mp3 Cutter has following features:- Install application- Open application from installed location- Select the desired music file- On next screen 2 sliding nodes will found- Set the nodes on desired location- Save it by the following modes like ringtone, music,andnotifications.- Tone can be delete or resetNote: if you found any error in the Ring-Tone maker than pleaseletus know by the email. We will fix it in the next comingupdates.The ringtone maker from YouTube will be added in the nextupdatesso be tuned and share it with your family as a donationtous.Happy Ringtone Maker day!We hope you enjoy using this app. Also feel free to shareyoursuggestions at
Friendship Calculator 1.1
apptech zone
Friendship Calculator!Friendship calculator app is for the calculation of friendship.Thefriendship will calculate in percentage. This applicationcanassess how strong are your friendship by predicting thepercentageon the bases of names and date of birth algorithms. Thefriendshipcalculator by name and date of birth predicting inpercentage from0% to 100%.The question is raised what is friendship? The simple answer isthatrelation between two people on the bases of honesty,understandingand sympathy. Test friendship calculator is rare butrelation andit’s strengthen is a gift for life. Friendshipcalculator is freeand easy to use. Our application of friendshipcalculator has freefeatures and no paid is available in it.Friendship Calculator has following key features:- Open the installed percentage calculator of friendship- Click on the love type icon- Enter name and date of birth of both friends- It will calculate the friendship relation percentage and alsoshowthe message about percentage- You can calculate friendships as much as you canIf you want any type of query please drop an email and alsonotethat we will not collect any type of data from you. Yourfeedbackwill encourage the development for us.
Best Sms Scheduler Sender 1.1
apptech zone
Best SMS Scheduler!Best SMS scheduler app is only to send the future messages toyourloves. The bulk messages could be send in one time thatyou had scheduled it. There are many scheduled sms online butthisapp does not required any internet to send messages . You cansayit as a sms timer because it has to send the messages on thesettime. SMS scheduler is easy to use as 123.We can take a dailylifeexample of sending SMS! Like your friend Birthday is coming inthenext days and you think that I will forget to wish him/her thanyoucan set the SMS of Birthday in the scheduler android appeasily.Every body have no time to send the wish sms on time like00:00 atthe night simple schedule sms and go for a sweet sleep.The main features of SMS Scheduler is followings:1) Open the App2) You will see 2 option3) 1 option for schedule messages and 2 option for see thescheduledhistory4) To schedule a sms go to the option 1, set the name andphonenumber to whom you will send or take it from contacts5) Write your important wish or work related sms thanpresssend6) You can delete the scheduled sms to go to the scheduledhistoryof messages7) You can send the Bulk messages to the group8) Enjoy the best appNote: This sms scheduler is only for the android devices and itonlytakes the permission from you to access the sms. Otherwise wewillcollect any data from you and nothing other permission becausethereare many apps those wants not related permission to accessprivatedata and it is always free to use.I hope that you had understand all the features of SMS Schedulerandyou can use it without any problem or query.If you have found any type of error or query just drop the emailtous, this feedback will help us to improve the development. Shareitwith your love one's those have need of it.Happy Best SMS Scheduler.
Safe Lock Screen 1.0
apptech zone
The Safe Lock Screen is a custom screenlockapplication for the Android smart phones as well as forthetablets. Allow to Safe Lock Screen to open the virtual doorsandreveal the contents of your phone. Don’t wait few seconds moretoget out lock screen in a unique way. Safe Lock Screen acts asasafe vault to give you an alternative way to secure yourdevicewith different patterns as complex as simple. Safe Door LockScreenis a useful security application for the videos and imagesorphotos.By the Safe Lock Screen & Door Lock Screen designofdevelopment the people can secure their useful data likeapps,photos and videos. It is the perfect security application forsmartphone users. This application contains fantastic 3D safe,includingrealistic sounds to lock the phone. The Safe- Screen Lockis veryeasy to use and install.How to Use Safe Lock Screen ApplicationThere are the following steps to follow> When it ‘ll install than open the app and set the 4 digitofpin code for the security> When you ‘ll want to access the photos, apps andimages,than code should be entered> If your entered code/pin is correct than it‘ll give youanaccess.Note for usersIf you find any bugs or negative options than please makeareview of good rating and briefly explain your problem. In theverynext update of Safe Screen Lock we‘ll surely fix that problem.Wealways note down the opinions of our application users. We‘llneverever collect your data. If you face any type of problem withLockScreen than drop an email.
Baby Do Not Cry 1.0
apptech zone
Baby do not cry is an app speciallydesignedfor kids. If your baby is crying or not sleeping we provideyouwith the perfect app. It will divert the attention of your babyandwill keep him/her busy.The app gives the options for babies to play piano, listen tonewmusic tunes that are specifically created for babies.Baby do not cry introduces your kid to world of music. Thisapphelps to develop kid's sensibility skills.If you want to concentrate on your work and baby is disturbing.Thesolution is simple just install this app in your phone &letthe baby enjoy.The interface is absolutely easy and suited for your baby. Thereareno complexities at all. Main screen shoes different optionstochoose from i-e:Birthday: Plays birthday songs for your babyLullaby: Plays lullaby so that the baby can go tosleeppeacefullyBaby: Plays baby music tunes.Piano: Enables the baby to play piano sounds.Poems: Plays different poems for babiesBirds: Let your baby enjoy the beautiful sounds of birds.Your baby can enjoy the following features of this app:- Different poems are available to select from.- Simple and easy interface.- Kid knows about the music world and get entertained throughthisapp.- Birthday music is also available in this app.- Different baby music tunes are there to enjoy- Baby can enjoy different piano tunes.Your kid does not get bore and allow you to do yourworkproperly.In case of any suggestion do not forget to contact
Fake Call Prank 1.0
apptech zone
Fake Caller ID Prank: The most expertandexcellent fake call prank application in Android Play Store!Getout the inconvenience; give yourself a fake-call id. The fakecallwith girl voice will include in the future update.Fake caller with fake voice get helps us in the choice of thenewcontact or add existing contact. Phone fake caller tostimulateyourself from awkward situation like in meeting with boss,alone ina marriage, bored with friends group.The fake caller prank has the following featuresOpen the applicationAdd new contact or existing contact with the photography (Youcanchoose the picture of any president or famous celebrity togetattention of peoples :D)Schedule the fake call timer.Fake call logsSelect fake call id from your contactsShow the fake call historyMake fool friendsThe fake call prank is always free and there are no hiddenchargesor any unknown things. We‘ll not collect any data from theuser whoinstalled our application. If you see any type of bugs orproblemthan please don’t go for negative comments, drop an email toourfollowing address we‘ll read it and fix the problem.
Personality test 1.0
apptech zone
Give a personality test revealed! Forterribleaccurate results of who you are, in real life. It isamazing tounderstand self-personality. Takes a personality detectortest andlearn more about its improvement. Are you looking for thebestpersonality test applications than download this freeapplicationto get the results with your thumb or fingerprintsprinting forfree? The personality detector prank will cause to makea smile onyour face.Personality test is free and easy to use as 1 2 3. There is nomuchcomplex logic behind this app which you could notunderstandeasily. This is the only application based on thephilosophicalalgorithm that runs behind this to give your ownpersonality testfor free. So, do not waste the time just downloadthis app to makea fool of your friends and family. Everyone isaware that someonehere is possible to judge about their personalityand tells themabout what will look like their personality.The different results when you are going to check thepersonalityanalysis: -Ø AnnoyingØ FunnyØ BeautifulØ AttractiveØ DumbØ SmartØ LazyØ DisobedientOptionally you can check again that just follow the procedure.Youcan check the results of all you want. The main characteristicsofa personality test for 2017 are as follows: -Ø Open ApplicationØ Select the desired genderØ Push the OK button after selecting genderØ Place your finger or thumb on the scanner to printfingerprintsØ After a few seconds you will get a resultØ Therefore, we hope that the result will not be discouragedØ Be happy to always use a free personality testNOTE: If you notice any discomfort as a result, than please justgoback to re-check the process, in the second step youwillundoubtedly get a happy result. Please give your feedback orqueryor problem via email mentioned in the end of this page. Wearehappy to see your reactions and contact you as soonaspossible.Happy Personality Test Day.
Screen Lock Aquarium 1.1
apptech zone
Screen lock Aquarium is a perfect app tosecureyour phone security and to give it a new look. If you aretired andbored of using your phone’s default lock app? Screen LockAquariumapp is the solution for you.It gives you an option to choose from variety of themes to giveyourSmartphone a new and vibrant look.How this app works?It’s simple:1- Create a password for unlocking your phone.2- Select your desired themeThat’s it. You are done. It is as simple as that.You have more than 15 different themes to choose from and youcanchange them frequently when you’re tired of one look you canoptfor the other.The best part of Screen Lock Aquarium is that it is simple touse.The interface is simple yet fascinating. The basic purpose istosecure your phone but it provides you with other featuresaswell.You certainly do not want your personal data to be accessedbyanyone. To secure your data install this lock screen app withcoolnew themes and enjoy using your smart phone.So don’t wait anymore, just install this app and enjoyitsfeatures--SALIENT FEATURES -- Simple app. User friendly interface Very easy to use. ON OFF option Pin settings Multiple themes. Security system.We are always ready to hear it from you so feel free to write if you have any complaintsorsuggestions.
Screen Lock Passcode 1.2
apptech zone
Tired of using your phone’s default lockapp?Screen Lock Passcode app is the solution for you. This appisperfect to secure your phone security and to give it anewlook.Screen Lock Passcode app provides with new looks for yourlockscreen so you don’t have to see those same old boring look oflockscreen. You can choose from a variety of themes for yourscreenlock app.How this app works?It’s simple:Download this app from playstore.Open the app.Create a password.Select a theme for your lock screen and it’s done.It’s as simple as that.As much 15+ different themes are available for you to choose andyoucan change them from time to time.The basic purpose of ScreenLock app is to control yourprivacy.Additionally, it also makes your screen visually appealing.Byapplying the screen lock, no person would be able to use yourphoneand access your data without entering the password.Privacy invasion can lead you into trouble so you definitely donotwant your personal data to be accessed by anyone. To overcomethisproblem, you can install a lock screen app in your phone tosecureyour phone. Also the new cool themes can give your phone anew andfresh look.So don’t wait anymore, click the install button above andenjoyusing this app.-- FEATURES --• Simple and sweet app• Friendly Interface and easy to use• ON OFF option• Pin settings and multiple themes.• More than 20 wallpapers.• Different themes like nature, animals, sports etc.Feel free to make any suggestions or
Wallpapers HD 1.0
apptech zone
Time to give your Smartphone a new lookandfresh feel. We provide you with a new app called“WallpaperManager” which provides you with the feature of changingthewallpaper of your phone with one click.You get a variety of options to choose from, there are a numberofdifferent options from where you can chose you favoritewallpaper.Also, Wallpaper manager give you whole lot of varietywhich enablesyou to keep changing wallpaper of your Smartphonefrequently sothat you won’t get bored of your Smartphonescreen.The variety includes different categories:Islamic:Choose from Allah’s name written in a beautiful manner ormajesticmosques. Also, you can choose Khaana Kaaba as yourwallpaper.Horror:Give a different look to your Smartphone by choosing wallpaperfromthis category. Creepy looking images give you a dark anddifferentfeel to your phone.Animals:This category is a perfect choice for animal lovers. Choosefrompandas to tigers to dogs. It gives a very cute and endearinglookto your phone.Love:Almost everyone’s favorite category. Isn’t it? Choose from avarietyof love struck images and give a lovely new look toyourphone.Nature:This one is for nature lovers. Snow clad mountains, oceansandgreenery to choose from. This option is perfect for the peoplewholove nature.Eid:Eid is round the corner so how can this category be left. A newlookof your Smartphone to flaunt during eid days.Sports:This category is for all the sports lovers out there.Cricket,football, basketball and many other sports image areavailable.Choose the image of your sport and set it aswallpaper.How to use this app:It’s very simple and can be done in three simple steps.1. Choose the desired category.2. Select your favorite image3. Set is as wallpaperKey Features:1. Simple and easy interface.2. Variety of categories.3. Each category contains numerous images.4. Easy to use.5. Many images at one place, no need to download differentimagesfrom different source to use as wallpaper.No need to search and download your desired images to be usedatwallpapers from internet. Wallpaper manager has solved thisproblemof yours very efficiently. Simple download this app, selectthecategory and wallpaper and it’s done.For any complaints or suggestions, feel free to contact, we are always looking forward to hearfromyou.